Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import
from .primitives.comm import PrimJSONEncoder
from .utils import final, deref
from pyswagger import errs
from uuid import uuid4
import six
import io, codecs
import collections
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Request(object): """ Request layer """ # TODO: make a new class for 'prepared' Request # option: url_netloc, replace netloc part in url, useful # when testing a set of Swagger APIs locally. opt_url_netloc = 'url_netloc' def __init__(self, op, params): """ constrcutor :param Operation op: the related Operation object :param dict params: parameter set provided by user """ self.__op = op self.__p = params self.__url = self.__op.url self.__path = self.__op.path self.__header = {} self.__consume = None self.__produce = None self.__scheme = None def reset(self): self.__url = self.__op.url self.__path = self.__op.path self.__header = {} self.__data = None def consume(self, consume): self.__consume = consume return self def produce(self, produce): self.__produce = produce return self def _prepare_forms(self): """ private function to prepare content for paramType=form """ content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' if self.__op.consumes and content_type not in self.__op.consumes: raise errs.SchemaError('content type {0} does not present in {1}'.format(content_type, self.__op.consumes)) return content_type, six.moves.urllib.parse.urlencode(self.__p['formData']) def _prepare_body(self): """ private function to prepare content for paramType=body """ content_type = self.__consume if not content_type: content_type = self.__op.consumes[0] if self.__op.consumes else 'application/json' if self.__op.consumes and content_type not in self.__op.consumes: raise errs.SchemaError('content type {0} does not present in {1}'.format(content_type, self.__op.consumes)) # according to spec, payload should be one and only, # so we just return the first value in dict. for parameter in self.__op.parameters: if getattr(parameter, 'in') == 'body': schema = deref(parameter.schema) _type = schema.type _format = schema.format name = body = self.__p['body'][] return content_type, self.__op._mime_codec.marshal(content_type, body, _type=_type, _format=_format, name=name) return None, None def _prepare_files(self, encoding): """ private function to prepare content for paramType=form with File """ content_type = 'multipart/form-data' if self.__op.consumes and content_type not in self.__op.consumes: raise errs.SchemaError('content type {0} does not present in {1}'.format(content_type, self.__op.consumes)) boundary = uuid4().hex content_type += '; boundary={0}' content_type = content_type.format(boundary) # init stream body = io.BytesIO() w = codecs.getwriter(encoding) def append(name, obj): body.write(six.b('--{0}\r\n'.format(boundary))) # header w(body).write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{0}"; filename="{1}"'.format(name, obj.filename)) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) if 'Content-Type' in obj.header: w(body).write('Content-Type: {0}'.format(obj.header['Content-Type'])) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) if 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' in obj.header: w(body).write('Content-Transfer-Encoding: {0}'.format(obj.header['Content-Transfer-Encoding'])) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) # body if not with open(obj.filename, 'rb') as f: body.write( else: data = if isinstance(data, six.text_type): w(body).write(data) else: body.write(data) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) for k, v in self.__p['formData']: body.write(six.b('--{0}\r\n'.format(boundary))) w(body).write('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{0}"'.format(k)) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) w(body).write(v) body.write(six.b('\r\n')) # begin of file section for k, v in six.iteritems(self.__p['file']): if isinstance(v, list): for vv in v: append(k, vv) else: append(k, v) # final boundary body.write(six.b('--{0}--\r\n'.format(boundary))) return content_type, body.getvalue() def _patch(self, opt={}): """ private function to patch this request. This function could be called before/after preparation. :param dict opt: options, used options would be popped. Refer to Request.opt_* for details. """ opt_netloc = opt.pop(Request.opt_url_netloc, None) if opt_netloc: scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(self.__url) self.__url = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlunparse( (scheme, opt_netloc, path, params, query, fragment) )'patching url: [{0}]'.format(self.__url))
[docs] def prepare(self, scheme='http', handle_files=True, encoding='utf-8'): """ make this request ready for Clients :param str scheme: scheme used in this request :param bool handle_files: False to skip multipart/form-data encoding :param str encoding: encoding for body content. :rtype: Request """ if isinstance(scheme, list): if self.__scheme is None: scheme = scheme.pop() else: if self.__scheme in scheme: scheme = self.__scheme else: raise Exception('preferred scheme:{} is not supported by the client or spec:{}'.format(self.__scheme, scheme)) elif not isinstance(scheme, six.string_types): raise ValueError('"scheme" should be a list or string') # combine path parameters into path # TODO: 'dot' is allowed in swagger, but it won't work in python-format self.__path = self.__path.format(**self.__p['path']) # combine path parameters into url self.__url = ''.join([scheme, ':', self.__url.format(**self.__p['path'])]) # header parameters self.__header.update(self.__p['header']) # update data parameter content_type = None if self.__p['file']: if handle_files: content_type, self.__data = self._prepare_files(encoding) else: # client that can encode multipart/form-data, should # access form-data via data property and file from file # property. # only form data can be carried along with files, self.__data = self.__p['formData'] elif self.__p['formData']: content_type, self.__data = self._prepare_forms() elif self.__p['body']: content_type, self.__data = self._prepare_body() else: self.__data = None if content_type: self.__header.update({'Content-Type': content_type}) accept = self.__produce if not accept and self.__op.produces: accept = self.__op.produces[0] if accept: if self.__op.produces and accept not in self.__op.produces: raise errs.SchemaError('accept {0} does not present in {1}'.format(accept, self.__op.produces)) self.__header.update({'Accept': accept}) return self
@property def scheme(self): """ preferred scheme used in this request """ return self.__scheme @scheme.setter def scheme(self, scheme): self.__scheme = scheme @property def url(self): """ url of this request, only valid after 'prepare' :type: str """ return self.__url @property def path(self): """ path of this request, only valid after 'prepare' :type: str """ return self.__path @property def base_path(self): """ base path of this request :type: str """ return self.__op.base_path @property def query(self): """ query part of this request :type: dict """ return self.__p['query'] @property def method(self): """ HTTP verb of this request :type: str """ return self.__op.method @property def header(self): """ header of this request, only valid after 'prepare' :type: dict """ return self.__header @property def data(self): """ data carried by this request, only valid after 'prepare' :type: byte """ return self.__data @property def files(self): """ files of this Request :type: dict of (name, primitives.File) """ return self.__p['file'] @property def schemes(self): """ required schemes for current Operation. :type: list of str """ return self.__op.cached_schemes @property def _p(self): """ access internal placeholder of all parameters, for unittest/debug/internal purpose """ return self.__p @property def _security(self): """ list of authorizations required :type: dict of list of Authorizations object. """ return
[docs]class Response(object): """ Response layer """ def __init__(self, op): """ constructor :param Operation op: the related Operation object """ self.__op = op self.__raw = self.__data = None # init properties self.__status = None self.__header = {} # options self.__raw_body_only = False def reset(self): self.__status = None self.__header = {} self.__raw = self.__data = None def _convert_header(self, resp, k, v): if resp and resp.headers and k in resp.headers: v = resp.headers[k]._prim_(v, self.__op._prim_factory, ctx=dict(read=True)) if k in self.__header: self.__header[k].append(v) else: self.__header[k] = [v]
[docs] def apply_with(self, status=None, raw=None, header=None): """ update header, status code, raw datum, ...etc :param int status: status code :param str raw: body content :param dict header: header section :return: return self for chaining :rtype: Response """ if status != None: self.__status = status r = (final(self.__op.responses.get(str(self.__status), None)) or final(self.__op.responses.get('default', None))) if header != None: if isinstance(header, (collections.Mapping, collections.MutableMapping)): for k, v in six.iteritems(header): self._convert_header(r, k, v) else: for k, v in header: self._convert_header(r, k, v) if raw != None: # update 'raw' self.__raw = raw if self.__status == None: raise Exception('Update status code before assigning raw data') if r and r.schema and not self.__raw_body_only: # update data from Opeartion if succeed else from responseMessage.responseModel content_type = 'application/json' for k, v in six.iteritems(self.header): if k.lower() == 'content-type': content_type = v[0].lower() break schema = deref(r.schema) _type = schema.type _format = schema.format name = data = self.__op._mime_codec.unmarshal(content_type, self.raw, _type=_type, _format=_format, name=name) self.__data = r.schema._prim_(data, self.__op._prim_factory, ctx=dict(read=True)) return self
def raw_body_only(self, only): """ an option to disable parsing bytes-stream to pyswagger primitives of body response. 'True' to enable this option """ self.__raw_body_only = only raw_body_only = property(None, raw_body_only) @property def status(self): """ status code :type: int """ return self.__status @property def data(self): """ responsed data :type: primitives.Model """ return self.__data @property def raw(self): """ raw response :type: str """ return self.__raw @property def header(self): """ header of Response :type: dict of list, ex. {'Content-Type': [xxx, xxx]} """ return self.__header
SwaggerRequest = Request SwaggerResponse = Response